TEFL Course in Kabul

An incredible destination for a TEFL course
Teach English in Afghanistan
An incredible destination for a TEFL course

“If we can't understand the Afghan family, we can't understand Afghanistan.”

WHY TAKE A TESOL TEFL course IN Kabul, Afghanistan

1. As the capital, it has the best teaching opportunities for TEFL-certified teachers.
2. Take a tour of the Abdul Rahman Mosque in Kabul, one of the largest mosques in Afghanistan. Mosques are magnificent in architecture.
3. Visit Darul Aman Palace: This palace stands on the top of many people’s lists of things to see when in Afghanistan. A place of magnificence in its day, this palace was destroyed beyond repair by the Taliban. However, its magnificence still remains.
4. Walk along the Khyber Pass, an important, picturesque part of the Silk Road, connecting Afghanistan with Pakistan.
5. Qarga Lake: It’s a beautiful lake with typical Afghan restaurant and foods. Relax at the lake side.
6. Babur Garden: Discover the historical garden from Mughul times where families spend their free time and shop typical handy crafts.
7. Paghman District: See the beautiful mountains and have your picnic under the trees and explore historical monuments from the Amanullah Kingdom.

Our tefl kabul institute

iTTi Kabul is located in the downtown area near Shirshah Sori and next to Sayed Jamaludin Afghan Secondary School. It is an English language center that covers everything from general English classes, English level testing, TOEFL and IELTS preparation classes. The students are adults who want to further their professional career.

The school has recently started 120-Hour TEFL Certification together with iTTi International TEFL Training Institute. As Afghanistan lacks qualified English teachers, iTTi’s TEFL program is a valuable support to the efforts of the Afghan government to improve the teaching quality at schools.

Our TEFL program runs Saturdays through Thursdays for four weeks. Our TEFL trainees teach Afghan students who study English at the English center. The certificate is issued in New York and the school is monitored by our professional New York staff.

During breaktime, our trainees can visit the many coffeeshops and small restaurants in the neighborhood of the school.

work in Kabul, Afghanistan as a tefl trainer

Afghanistan is a multilingual country, and it is the home to more than 40 languages, with around 200 different dialects. The two official languages of Afghanistan are Dari (lingua franca) and Pashto. Both are Indo-European languages from the Iranian languages sub-family.

In Afghanistan, English is neither the first language, nor is it taught as a second language. It started to grow its importance with the fall of the Taliban. Nowadays, the important point about English in Afghanistan is that, it is a medium of instruction for many subjects in higher education: science, medicine, dentistry, engineering, information technology and others

One of the conditions for admission to undergraduate studies in these fields is English proficiency, and it is essential. The need for English is even greater at the graduate-degree level in some majors.

Unlike in higher education, teaching English in public schools is not yet government-regulated. Public schools around the country lack qualified English teachers, a curriculum, quality textbooks and teaching materials. Their class size is around 60 students. The teaching method is the Grammar-Translation Method, and their result is non-English-speaking English learners.
What are the salaries you can expect as an English teacher? As a foreigner, your starting salary is US $1,500. A foreigner teaching in Afghanistan can expect to make a good living here, financially speaking…. Most ESL jobs and teaching jobs through a reputable school will offer good benefits, including airfare and housing covered.

While Afghanistan is still a haven for I-speak-English-I-am-good-enough, untrained TEFL teachers, times of change have arrived even here. The Afghan government wants to improve the country after a long, devastating war, and one way to start is education. English, of course, is part of it. For a good TEFL job, you have to bring a BA and a TEFL certificate now as a minimum qualification.

As a qualified English teacher, all kinds of TEFL positions are open to you, starting from universities over international school to English language institutes and the public-school system. In a way, Afghanistan offers English teaching opportunities that are unheard of in other areas of the world. The reason is the bad security reputation of the country. This keeps English teachers away from Afghanistan. As a result, there isn’t really competition you would find in other parts of the world.

TEFL Courses in Kabul fill up quickly!



Total tuition:  US $1,000 (incl. VAT)

Deposit: $500, due at registration.

Balance payment: $500, due five business days before the first course date. Tuition includes course fee, certificate, moderation and assistance in securing a teaching position. Complimentary add-on: specialization in Teaching Business, TOEFL Preparation or Young Learners.
Teaching Practicum Dates

  • 31 July – 25 August 2024
  • 4 September – 29 September 2024
  • 2 October – 27 October 2024
  • 6 November – 1 December 2024


    75% on-line/25% on-site training

    Total tuition: US $1,000 (incl. VAT)

    Deposit: $500, due at registration.

    Balance payment:$1,000 due five business days before start of the teaching practice.

    Tuition includes moderation, certificate and full career-support services (CV/resume setup, school information, interview guidance and departure support). Complimentary add-on: specialization in Teaching Business, TOEFL Preparation or Young Learners.

    Teaching Practicum Dates

    • 4 January 2021 – 13 January 2021
    • 1 March 2021 – 10 March 2021
    • 3 May 2021 – 12 May 2021
    • 1 June 2021 – 10 June 2021
    • 6 July 2021 – 15 July 2021
    • 2 August 2021 – 11 August 2021
    • 7 September 2021 – 16 September 2021
    • 4 October 2021 – 14 October 2021
    • 1 November 2021 – 10 November 2021

    Meet our iTTi TEFL Kabul Instructor

    Mr. Sayed Mohibullah Mohib, holds a bachelor degree in Law and Political Science of the Istiqlal University, Kabul Afghanistan. He worked as an ESL lecturer at different public and private institutes from 2008 to 2010. He became a Head the English Department at the Adult Learning Centre of the Afghan National Association for Adult Education (ANAFAE) in Mazar-e Sharif. In 2013 he worked as an English Master Trainer for the ANAFAE Network of 25 Adult Education Centres. He facilitated the regular training of about 160 English Teachers in Afghanistan. Mr. Sayed Mohibullah Mohib is Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults. Now he works in the position of the Team Leader for the national Qualification Department of ANAFAE. He developed the training curriculum for all 350 teachers of the ANAFAE Network, developed the teaching plans, as well as the Teaching and Learning Material.

    Sayed Mohibullah Mohib

    iTTi - KABUL

    How to apply for a TESOL course

    Step 1

    To begin the admission process for the iTTi Kabul in Afghanistan, you must first choose your start date, complete the online application form, and pay a non-refundable deposit of USD $500.

    Step 2

    An iTTi Enrollment Counselor will then contact you with instructions on how to complete the required English proficiency assessment test. If you are not a native speaker. You must obtain a B2/C1 level. A certificate will be provided by the School of English

    Step 3

    Once you are notified of your acceptance into the iTTi in Kabul, your remaining tuition balance is due 30 days prior to your course start date.

    TEFL Course in Kabul

    TEFL Course in Kabul

    TEFL Course in Kabul

    TEFL Course in Kabul