Daily Archives: February 22, 2022

TEFL Course in Amman

Jordan has a unique position among the countries of the Middle East. Although it shares borders with Iraq, Syria, Israel, and Palestine, Jordan has never been involved in any conflict and has gained the reputation as a peace-loving country, popular with foreign teachers from across the globe due to its high earning potential, superior living standard, well-developed healthcare system, and natural beauty. If you are in Vietnam, you can get a business visa at the airport and theoretically work the next day. Things are not so simple in Jordan. According to local laws, employers cannot hire international workers without getting approval from the ministry of labor beforehand. Before moving to Jordan it is imperative that you have a proper job offer in hand, where the employer is willing and able to sponsor your work visa. Since the country aims to produce a bilingual society in the foreseeable future, there is…

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